"God Saved The Best For Last"
In His Steps
"For nearly six thousand years, God has held you
in reserve to make your appearance in the final days before the Second Coming
of the Lord. God has saved for the final inning some of his
strongest children, who will help bear off the Kingdom triumphantly. And that
is where you come in, for you are the generation that must be prepared to meet
your God."
To go along with the lesson and help the kids remember their divine nature, I made a sign to hang on our class room door each Sunday that reads:
Valiant 10
The class for Heaven's Best
God saved the best for last!
I ended the lesson with a quote from Pres Gordon B. Hinckley:
"You’re not just here by chance. You are here
under the design of God."
(Teachings of Gordon B.
Hinckley[1997], 720)
As a simple take home I prepared a puzzle made from a Mormonad which I had printed at the local photo shop. I glued the 4" X 6" prints to pieces of hard board and cut them into eight pieces. A copy of Pres Benson's quote was attached to each bag of puzzle pieces. As a family activity I suggested they read the quote to their family and have them help assemble the puzzle.
How to's:
The large puzzle was made from a picture that I downloaded from the internet. I had printed on a poster board and laminated at the local print shop. It was then glued to a piece of hard board using spray on adhesive applied to both the poster and the hardboard. I used a band saw to cut it into many, many creative shapes i.e. hand print, circle, flower, house etc. After four years and several lessons there has been no significant delamination from the hard board.
The door sign was made using a simple certificate template found on MS Word. The "certificate" was then glued (same method as above) to a piece of scrap sheet metal and laminated using some shelf liner purchased from the local WalMart. I used sheet metal to give it an air of substance and hopefully instilling in the class a sense of permanence.
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